You in charge
Explore your potential to benefit from aRepayer
How many people can you show the good side of life to?
What is aRepayer VIP?
Available for:
Regular Account
Business Account
Earn money with your knowledge of products and services. You know exactly where to find what a aRepayer user wants (price, location, quality, amenities, etc.). Indicate to the establishment/person that best fits the forwarded’s needs.
Discover your potential to receive repay on your social networks by helping everyone. aRepayer is for all.
Discover that you can have benefits in aRepayer.
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You in aRepayer VIP
You as the Referrer
You have general and specific knowledge that meets the product and service needs of the people in your group. You already have experience in the subject. The application will help in the localization, customer satisfaction ratings, type and quality of a service or product, and price. aRepayer is the bonding tool, forms of payment, and communication to receive repay.
You as the Forwarded
Have several questions about products and services. It has a referrer that helps you decide what best fits your needs. aRepayer will give you an overview of what to expect from the product or service, location, comfort, and price. In the end, you will evaluate the receiver. The receiver must serve you well because you were referred through aRepayer.
You as the Receiver
You own the product or service. The one forwarded by the aRepayer fits your business profile and has a good chance of being your consumer. Good customer service with the best products and services is essential to have good reviews and more recommendations. You repay the referrer and encourage the referral of more customers. More customers mean higher profit, lower prices, and higher repays.
How does it work?
The referrer directs the forwarded to the receiver. The forwarded makes the payment to the receiver. The receiver makes a repay (part of the forwarded payment) to the referrer. All make evaluations feeding the necessary data for other users to search for the satisfaction of their needs such as location, price, quality of service, etc.
Why is aRepayer good?
The referrer has knowledge of products and services that satisfy the forwarded and can explore financially having aRepayer.
The forwarded looking for the satisfaction of his need by aRepayer will get the best of the receiver in products and services.
The receiver will have more suitable customers for your products and services. More gain makes it possible to give discounts and give more repay.
How much should be a repay?
The repay amount is variable and fully managed by the receiver. The receiver knows the type, quality, values, and frequency of customers of his business, and determines the amount of the repay.
How much do I pay for aRepayer?
aRepayer is free. The aRepayer charges a fee when used of 5% of the repay made to the indicator.