Register questions for repay

  1. Go to Edit profile
  2. Access Internal questions made for employees to answer to distribute repay
  3. Fill in how soon a new evaluation can take place. If you do not complete it, the default period will be 90 days.
  4. Click Save
  5. Create the questions for Repayer Enterprise:
    • You can use the Repayer Enterprise models:
      • Select the hierarchical level that will evaluate
      • Select one of the pre-made Repayer Enterprise templates
      • Click Register questions per hierarchy level from the aRepayer ENTERPRISE model
    • Or you can create your questions without a template:
      • Select the hierarchical level that will evaluate
      • Select question direction
      • Fill in the criteria name
      • Fill in the question
      • Fill in the order in which the question will appear
      • Fill in the weight of the question
      • Click Register questions per hierarchy level created by the company’s president